Saturday, February 4, 2012

Last days of being pregnant....

Can I tell you how much I miss being pregnant? If I could I would seriously be pregnant every day of my life. I can’t express how amazing it was to feel those hiccups, summersaults, kicks, punches and rolls. I remember those last few days with my daughter like it was yesterday. Tenley HATED those monitors she would kick them and move from them as much as she could. Most of the time when we lost her heartbeat they would have to bring an ultrasound machine in the room to find it again. She would put her back to the monitor so we couldn’t hear. She had such a little attitude but oh boy I loved her attitude, I miss her attitude. Looking back at pictures I was in such awe listening to her I had a constant smile on my face. The only time I didn’t have a smile is when we would loose her heartbeat or when the doctors would come in and talk to us. I didn’t want to have to think about how my child would be disabled, how she would have multiple surgery's throughout her life, how her bum would never be "normal"! I remember thinking why are you telling me this stuff? I don’t care what her bum is going to look like, I don’t care if she is going to have special needs, She is my daughter and I will always love her and do whatever I had to do for you. I hated knowing my sweet baby would be in pain and have to have surgery after surgery to get rid of that nasty tumor. This is a look back on the best days I ever had with Tenley Grace.

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